Tip: Cast Iron Lining
If you’re lining cast iron pipe using our scrim material for CIPP laterals, we produce a slightly undersized nominal pipe diameter for cast iron applications. Be sure to specify when ordering. For more information contact Pipe Lining Supply at +1-888-354-6464 or email us at

Tip: Curing CIPP
How you accelerate the curing of CIPP lateral liners varies. Whether it’s hot water, steam, UV, or some other method – there are other considerations than time. Equipment costs, ease of use, and portability need to be weighed before selecting which one works best for you. For more information contact Pipe Lining Supply at +1-888-354-6464 […]

Tip: Vacuuming Out Air Pockets When Wetting Out
Vacuuming a CIPP lateral liner eliminates entrained air from a liner tube. Lack of vacuum impregnation will leave dry spots that allow roots to penetrate over time where no resin is present. It also meets the ASTM standards for CIPP lining. For more information contact Pipe Lining Supply at +1-888-354-6464 or email us at

Tip: Pipe Diameter
Pipe diameters on laterals usually make a transition in sizes somewhere between the building and the sewer main. For CIPP projects, you can select one of two methods from a variety of liners. You can buy pre-made transition bags sewed to transition from one diameter to another in various lengths, or you can buy liner […]

Resin & Liner Tube for CIPP – Important Information
“I know I’ve read articles in the past about the value of resin and tube systems, but can’t you use any resin with any tube and achieve a rehabilitated pipe that’s just as good as one that has been tested and passed testing?” Maybe, but let’s explore the factors that go into the finished product. […]

Confused Between Lining & Coating?
“We lined several vent stacks and have had a few of them leak. We used the CIPP method sold to us using a “gapping method” that they told me would work well for fixing in plumbing stacks. We thought that the lining process would seal the old pipe and prevent leaking. Now I read that […]

Confused Between Lining & Coating?
“We lined several vent stacks and have had a few of them leak. We used the CIPP method sold to us using a “gapping method” that they told me would work well for fixing in plumbing stacks. We thought that the lining process would seal the old pipe and prevent leaking. Now I read that […]

Ripping Out A CIPP Liner
“I installed a CIPP liner and followed the ASTM’s I read about in your earlier blogs. I used your resin but a sales guy sold me some liner he sold was as good as yours but cheaper. After completing the job the inspector asked me for my documentation and I showed him the resin buckets […]

Warranty Of 100 Years!
“My supplier gives me a 100-year warranty for the lining process we sell. I work inside buildings lining plumbing stacks and your representative is telling me your company doesn’t offer a 100-year warranty. Why should I use your Quik-Coating machine when the product I’m using now has a much better warranty to stand behind?” A […]

Bad Practices – Giving the CIPP Industry a Bad Rep!
Picking the right installer is KEY!! Make sure your installer is doing the best practices. I saw an article in one of the trade publications featuring a contractor and his business that included CIPP lateral lining. While going through the article I saw a picture of their wet out operation. They laid out their liner […]