calibration roller

Lateral Lining Costs
“How much does it cost to get into lateral lining sewer pipes? I’ve talked to some guys who’ve paid over $150,000 to line laterals and others who have less than $15,000 invested. What’s the ‘right’ answer? Like anything else the answer depends on you and what you are trying to accomplish. If you need to […]

What’s the Right Sized Vehicle For Me?
“ I work in a large metropolitan area. I’ve been exploring adding lateral sewer lining to my business but many suppliers want me to buy their equipment housed in a 20’ trailer and while it looks very efficient with everything organized inside, it’s too big to pull through the streets of Philadelphia where I perform […]

Wet-Out & Calibration
Best Practices – 8th in the series This section will cover the choice of resin, measuring, mixing and “wet-out” of the calibration tube. We have three resin choices, Polyester, Vinyl Ester and Epoxy resin. While all three resins are acceptable for use according to ASTM F-1216 or ASTM F-1743, local agency codes may dictate which […]