Mixing Components Active vs. Static

I heard it again today. “You can’t mix two components without running the components through a static mixer”. Have you ever added chocolate syrup to milk? Did you run both the milk and the syrup through a static mixer to get them mixed up or did you stir the combination until the chocolate was mixed into the milk? Sounds pretty stupid but we have competitors trying to scare potential customers away from using an active mixing method to mix a 1:1 poly urea together inside a pipe and mix it with a high speed mixing brush. ‘’

Here’s a static mixer. You will notice that there are no moving parts. The two components move through the chambers inside the mixer that remains static or not moving and those components are thus blended as they meet each other inside the chambers. Here are a couple of examples of static mixers.

To round out the differences between static mixers (no moving mixers) and active mixers (moving parts), active mixers blend two or more components together after they’ve been loaded into a common container such as a pail, bowl, pipe, or other area where the components are blended. Here’s examples of those types of mixers.

I don’t know how much simpler you can describe what’s going on here. The job of all of these devices is to mix resin together for application to something whether it’s a pipe, a paint color, or a spray on coating of material to a surface.

The next time you hear the words you can’t mix resin without using a static mixer from someone, educate them and show them this article. For more information call Pipe Lining Supply +1-888-354-6464 or write to info@pipeliningsupply.com.

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