lining tube
Lining Training
“I bought a competitive system to yours but gave up trying to run it as it’s too complicated to make it work. I like the idea of lining but wonder if your system is easier to run than what I bought?” One of the major advantages that we at Pipe Lining Supply offer is our […]
Resin & Liner Tube for CIPP – Important Information
“I know I’ve read articles in the past about the value of resin and tube systems, but can’t you use any resin with any tube and achieve a rehabilitated pipe that’s just as good as one that has been tested and passed testing?” Maybe, but let’s explore the factors that go into the finished product. […]
VMI – Vendor Managed Inventory – Is It Right For Your Business?
“A supplier approached me to sign up for their vendor managed inventory control program. They are telling me it will save me a lot of money by letting them determine the quantities I need from month to month. I won’t have a lot of money tied up in inventory as I pay for it when […]
Transient Loads – What You Need To Know
We’ve discussed the reason our lateral lining system is suitable for gravity sewer lines and not meant for pressure pipe nor potable water lines. We haven’t explored the reasons for not applying a gravity pipe to pressure systems, so I thought we’d explore the reasons today. In pressure pipe systems, we’re looking at pumps that […]