Job Information File

Best Practices – 6th in the Series

Information For All People Involved In The Job

Preparing for a CIPP job requires planning. In the planning of the job, there is usually a “hand-off” of information from the tech that sold the job to the crew performing the work. The information transfer should include:

  1. Customer Name
  2. Customer Address
  3. Scope of work (what is to be lined, method of lining, materials quoted, start point and stop point, Tie-Ins, pipe diameter, and pipe length)
  4. Schedule Date
  5. Pit, Clean Out, basement floor or other pipe opening point to access the pipe
  6. Need for any added clean outs?
  7. Permits needed
  8. Dig Alert for any utilities that may be involved in your excavating plans
  9. List of materials, equipment, and supplies needed for this job (STEP BY STEP GUIDE)

This information will give the installer enough information to prepare all the materials needed for the job so that they have everything they need when they show up for the job. NOTE: A best practice here is to prepare double the amount of materials you need to take to the job. This will allow you to execute the work if any single component is incorrectly cut, resin spilled, damage during installation or any other reason the liner, resin, or calibration tube failed. This allows the installer to complete the work and figure out later what went wrong AFTER the job is complete.

Once on-site setting up the job including vehicle, equipment, materials, and safety equipment locations should be considered then set where appropriate.

  1. Safety cones in public right of way areas that conform to local traffic codes
  2. If excavating an installation pit, tarps placed to hold spoils from the excavation for return to the pit that has been excavated.
  3. If excavating in a basement or inside the home that involves cutting through concrete, mitigation of dust and spoils from that activity including removal of concrete and disposal
  4. Placing protective barriers to prevent damage to interior spaces including floor coverings, footwear protectors, water control devices to handle any water used during the installation process
  5. Shade protection from UV rays to resin as it is mixed
  6. Protection of the public from hoses that may run across a public right of ways
  7. Check cable locates from where you are excavating

You are now set and ready to open the pipe you plan to line. You’ve opened the pipe and now have a starting location for your liner to begin. From this point insert your CCTV camera. As you inspect your pre-installation line, you can survey any tie-ins and note their location by placing a piece of colored tape on the camera cable noting the approximate location of the orientation (10 o’clock, 2 o’clock, etc). Also note any diameter changes, again with tape. You can also note any turns and direction changes. These turns will need to be known to add length to the liner to account for the turns. A good practice here is to add 2” for every 45-degree turn, and 4” for every 90-degree turn. If you 90-degree turn is a short turn 90 you can expect some difficulty in making that turn when you are inverting the liner and can plan for the difficulty instead of being shocked that the liner is moving through the turns as easily as they go through a straight pipe. The final step in this survey with your CCTV camera is where you plan to stop the liner again placing a tape marker when your endpoint is located. You now have a “storyboard” telling you all the information needed to prepare your tube, calibration tube, pull strap and heater hose for the installation.

You are now prepared for the installation step that we’ll discuss in the next post. For more information regarding this segment, call Pipe Lining Supply at +1-888-354-6464 or write to

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