pipe cleaning
Cost per Foot
“How much per foot should I charge for a job? I have a restaurant that wants me to coat 20’ of pipe and then coat a grease trap. I’m just not sure what to add for the grease trap. Should I just add it to the footage price?” While we’ve used per foot pricing as […]
Lining or Coating Sales
“How do I sell lining or coating? I’m having a heck of a time trying to get people to go to the next step after I’ve cleaned the pipe. Do you have any tips that I can use to help me sell them something I know they need but can’t seem to grasp?” Years ago, […]
Smooth Pipe Coating
“I have a coating machine that I purchased from you at Pipe Lining Supply. I trained with you guys, and in my training the pipe samples we trained on applying the coating came out smooth. In the field however, the surface has ridges. What’s changed? How can I get back to the smooth surfaces I […]
Tip: Planning
90% of a job’s success is in the planning, and 10% is in the execution. If you fail to plan out your job, you are planning to fail. This applies to Lateral Lining and Pipe coating jobs as well as life. For more information contact Pipe Lining Supply at +1-888-354-6464 or email us at info@pipeliningsupply.com.
Tip: Using a High-Speed Cable
Tip: When using a high-speed cable, cover any exposed metal cable with short sections of the sheathing. This will help prevent the cable from kinking when it gets locked up in a root. For more information contact Pipe Lining Supply at +1-888-354-6464 or email us at info@pipeliningsupply.com.
Tip: Cleaning
Whether pipe coating or pipe lining, the level of cleaning will determine what the final surface will look like. A poorly cleaned pipe will be obvious when looking at a finished job. For more information contact Pipe Lining Supply at +1-888-354-6464 or email us at info@pipeliningsupply.com.
Restoration Options
“It’s a small detail, but I get more callbacks from the pits I dig outside the home that sinks over the course of the next year after I lined the sewer lateral. It doesn’t take much to throw a little dirt and grass seed or whatever is needed to bring the soil back up to […]
Women Can Perform Plumbing & Drain Cleaning Work as Competently as Men
A while back we published a Myth vs. Fact making the statement that women can and do perform plumbing and drain cleaning work as well as men. The positive responses were overwhelming. However, a few negative comments were received. Sadly, the negative voices reverberate through the industry and deter many women from wanting to explore […]
Exploring The Pipe Lining Supply Compact Lining & Coating Vehicle
“We saw the Ford Transit Van decked out with drain cleaning equipment, CIPP lining equipment and AIPPR Quik Coating DWV pipe rehabilitation. We walked through the unit and it looked great but didn’t get any pictures or specs. Can you provide detail of the unit with some more pictures?” We are building this vehicle to […]