pipe lining

Open House at Anaheim, California
Live Demo’s, Free Lunch and Giveaways! On June 9th 2022, Pipe Lining Supply will be offering a FREE demo showcasing all of our existing products, plus featuring the NEXT GENERATION featuring the Quik-Shot with the LightRay Ultraviolet Inversion. This open house will allow you to experience the latest technology in utility rehabilitation, plus how these […]

Casting the Future of Pipe Rehabilitation
When two leaders in a field see an opportunity to combine forces the outcome can become more than the sum of 1 + 1 = 2. In the case of Pipe Lining Supply and Perma-Liner Industries, we saw the potential of combining technologies that would propel the industry to new heights by integrating each other’s […]

Camera Repair
“My camera quit working. Now what? Everything was working fine, and it went dark. Is there anything I can do to check it, or do I need to send it somewhere for repair?” We know cameras are subject to conditions that aren’t the best for long term survival. Throwing them into sewers and field handling […]

Scale Build-Up
“I got one of your Renssi high speed cable machines, along with your Quik-Coating unit for coating after cleaning. My problem comes when I use the cable machine – the scale accumulates after I start chain knocking and it plugs the line. How can I overcome this without pulling up the cable machine and inserting […]

Resin Calculator APP – Now Available!
You ASKED for it and WE have it!! We’re excited to launch a new mobile app for our CUSTOMERS. We created the app with a professional look and simple functionality!! User experience was our #1 goal. SLEEK, SIMPLE, and IDEAL for the job site!! The new mobile app is supported on both IOs and Android […]

Bidding Proposals
This is a different blog post today. I had a discussion with a customer who was at a loss as he received a request for a proposal to fix a drain, waste and vent line without any video or specification for the work to be completed. It brought me back to over 25 years ago […]

Adding Lubricant
“I’m having trouble getting my Quik-Shot™ to feed liner even if the pipe is straight as an arrow. I know turns and offsets need some attention, but I thought I should be able to shoot a 50’ straight liner with no problem. Any suggestions?” I watched a YouTube video of a guy struggling to shoot […]

Ballooning of Liner
“I keep blowing out my liner material when trying to invert it into the host pipe from the Quik Shot™. It comes out of the gun but when it hits the host pipe entrance it balloons up and ruptures. Is the problem the liner or is it something I’m doing?” I only have one question […]

Up to “Code”
“I was interested in your coating process but a sales guy selling his lining system said our process wasn’t up to “code”. If it isn’t up to code, won’t I get in trouble selling it?” First things first. There are several “codes”. Most likely he’s referring to plumbing codes, and specifically referring to a code […]

Lining or Coating Sales
“How do I sell lining or coating? I’m having a heck of a time trying to get people to go to the next step after I’ve cleaned the pipe. Do you have any tips that I can use to help me sell them something I know they need but can’t seem to grasp?” Years ago, […]