
Patching a Hole in the Tube
“I lost a liner yesterday because there was a hole in the tube that wouldn’t allow us to hold air. We’re new to this process and I’m wondering if this is a regular occurrence and what to do if it ever happens again?” While it is pretty rare that you’d have a hole in the […]

Lining Training
“I bought a competitive system to yours but gave up trying to run it as it’s too complicated to make it work. I like the idea of lining but wonder if your system is easier to run than what I bought?” One of the major advantages that we at Pipe Lining Supply offer is our […]

Cost Effectiveness
“I pride myself on shopping the “best deals” for my plumbing business. Your systems appear to be more expensive than other systems on the market. Why should I buy yours?” Let’s look at your question this way. A bicycle will get you from point A to point B, so using your logic sending your techs […]

Ballooning of Liner
“I keep blowing out my liner material when trying to invert it into the host pipe from the Quik Shot™. It comes out of the gun but when it hits the host pipe entrance it balloons up and ruptures. Is the problem the liner or is it something I’m doing?” I only have one question […]

How Many Liners Can Be Completed in a Day?
“I’m looking at a job that has several liners to line on a couple of city streets from the right of way to the main. The sewer mains run down the city street and the average length of each liner would be between 35’ and 40’. How many liners can I complete daily with your […]

Up to “Code”
“I was interested in your coating process but a sales guy selling his lining system said our process wasn’t up to “code”. If it isn’t up to code, won’t I get in trouble selling it?” First things first. There are several “codes”. Most likely he’s referring to plumbing codes, and specifically referring to a code […]

Lining or Coating Sales
“How do I sell lining or coating? I’m having a heck of a time trying to get people to go to the next step after I’ve cleaned the pipe. Do you have any tips that I can use to help me sell them something I know they need but can’t seem to grasp?” Years ago, […]

Resin Color
“I just coated a pipe with your coating equipment and resin. I noticed that the finished product had a rose-colored tint to it. Why is that, and will it hurt anything?” There are a couple of reasons that the resin finished with a whiteish rose color. The first one involves the cleaning or descaling of […]

Lateral Lining Training
“I am interested in getting into the lateral lining business, but everyone I talk to who’s in it tells me it is very difficult and that I will most likely fail. They say it’s better to let them work for me as a sub and let me go and find work, and they will complete […]

Hitting your Mark Idea
“I have both your Quik-Coating machine and your Quik-Shot™ inversion gun. I had trouble hitting a planned mark in my lining jobs so that I covered the last factory joint of the pipe before the sewer main. Sometimes there are plumber’s taps that were put into service by breaking the sewer main, stuffing the lateral […]